There is something to be said about the magic of Santa
Claus. I like the way it is portrayed in
The Polar Express. In the story, a young boy travels to the
North Pole and is picked by Santa to receive the first gift of Christmas. Knowing that he can choose anything at all,
he asks for one bell from one of the reindeer's harnesses. When the boy rings the bell, both he and his
sister marvel at the beautiful sound. His parents, however, are unable to hear
the bell and remark that it must be broken. The story then closes with this famous line:
I don’t remember a time in my life that I believed in
Santa. He just wasn’t a part of my
childhood. My parents never tried to
convince me that Santa was real, but they never told me he wasn’t either. I guess that I decided for myself to believe
in more than a rosy-cheeked man climbing down our chimney.
And for a long time, I thought that Santa was a silly
invention to keep children from misbehaving around Christmas time. I mean, let’s be honest. That’s exactly what the Naughty & Nice
List is for, isn’t it?
Yet, I finally realized that there’s a bit more to it
than that. I spent the last three weeks
talking with children about Christmas and Santa and what they want for presents
and la dee dah dee dah, and even for the kids who are old enough to know that
Santa doesn’t exist, there is still a glimmer of hope behind their eyes that
maybe he does. It was actually an amazing thing to see. They were
studying our Santa, trying to pick up on any clues that confirmed it wasn’t the
real Santa. But for the younger kids, the glimmer in the
eye is more of a supernova. For these
children, Santa brought more than presents. He brought them imagination. He
brought hope and laughter, and he brought a belief in magic and wonderment that
can throw off the veil of the problems at school or at home. I don’t know.
Maybe their gleaming eyes really do just shine for the presents. Or maybe, just maybe, the bell really is
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